Chicago Cleveland Finally Warmed Up
Since it’s been a month – I’m going to post this backwards. Just got back from another job in Chicago, and yes
it’s actually warmed up. Shot out to Chicago for a local company via United. I promised myself that I would drive but I found
myself in baggage hell again. The shoot went well and we made our connections with time to spare.

We also did some product photography on location in one of Cleveland’s thousands of manufacturing facilities.
Promoting the product in interesting places.

The middle of the month found us at cleveland’s IX center shooting a trade show for the conveyor company from Kentucky.
Quite the machine. Trade show and event photography can be interesting. Working fast with very little equipment.
I shot some executive portraits on location for a local software system firm. Client was new and there people knew what
they were doing. Believable portraits usually on the first shot.
We also did some new product photography for a local advertising firm. They have a client that produces protection for car doors in parking garages.
I also throw in a sample of some artwork that we shot. This particular piece was from Paula Pindroh. Check her work
out at Very interesting and talented artist.
