Aerial, Archectural, Healthcare and Industrial Photography
It’s been another great couple of weeks shooting all different types of work here in Cleveland Ohio.
Started out shooting some interior shots for a private airline company. It’s a good thing I can fit in
small places. We shot actual planes and the construction process of their interiors.

We ended up doing some cool shots for a lighting company in the studio. It’s nice to shoot inside from time to time.
Clients and products come to me instead of packing up the truck and hitting the road….. of course that didn’t last
long and we were out in the elements shooting for a editorial project in the middle of a snow storm. Loved it.

Sometime during the last couple of weeks I ended up doing some healthcare shots in the operating room. Hospitals have an
interesting look of their own. It’s all about the light. Of course I had to dress the part.

We also got involved shooting a brochure for a safty piece. Lawncare and proper gear. Leaves and more leaves.
Throw in a few family and kid portraits for the holidays and there goes November in the midwest.
